Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering (JASSE)

Current Issue:

Subject Area:

  • Mathematics
  • Biology, Life Sciences and Basic Medicine
  • Engineering in General
  • Nanosciences and Materials Sciences
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Information Sciences

Editorial Board

Editor in Cheif:

  • Atsushi Kamitani (Yamagata University)
  • Koji Koyamada (Kyoto University)

Associate Editor:

  • Fumiaki Araki (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
  • Hajime Igarashi (Hokkaido University)
  • Masami Iwase (Tokyo Denki University)
  • Muliaro Wafula (Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology)
  • Naohisa Sakamoto (Kobe University)
  • Ruchikachorn Puripant (Chulalongkorn University)
  • Satoshi Tanaka (Ritsumeikan University)
  • Takuma Nemoto (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
  • Yoshinari Kamakura (Osaka University)

Editorial Office:

  • ZHANG Chi (Kyoto University)

Aims and Scope

Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. (J. Banks; J. Carson; B. Nelson; D. Nicol (2001). Discrete-Event System Simulation. Prentice Hall. p. 3. ISBN 0-13-088702-1.) The scope of the Journal is to provide a place to exchange information on the latest simulation technology and its application by the presentation of latest papers of both researchers and technicians.

The Journal paper must be the original work of the author(s) and its main part has not been copyrighted, published, accepted or currently being considered for publication elsewhere; and will not be submitted elsewhere for publication under consideration by Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering (JASSE).

The Journal is published quarterly worldwide in English in order to vitalize international studies on simulation and related computer techniques. The journal is edited by the Editorial Board, composed of the Editor-in-chief, Associate Editors and Advisory Editors. The Journal is edited by the Japan Society for Simulation Technology (JSST).

For Authors

The contents would be subject to change without notification in advance. Authors who submit manuscripts to JASSE are assumed to agree to this document.

Preparing manuscript:

Manuscripts to JASSE are received via electronic submission only (
Authors are requested to prepare a manuscript by using the officially approved formats (LaTeX style file or Microsoft Word Template), in which all the styles and formats are prescribed. Papers do not usually exceed 20 pages of an A4-sized PDF file. The first page contains paper title, author list, affiliation(s), 100-word-abstract, keywords.

The LaTeX style files (updated on July 29, 2014):
 Download LaTeX Template

The Microsoft Word Template (updated on July 29, 2014):
 Download Microsoft Word Template

Article charge:

For accepted papers, the authors are requested to pay a mandatory article charge: If at least one of the authors is a member of JSST, the charge is 60,000 JPY. If none of the authors is a member of JSST, the charge is 100,000 JPY. Both members and nonmembers of JSST are invited to submit manuscripts. However, we recommend that authors unaffiliated with JSST apply for membership.

 One of the authors is a member of JSST     60,000 JPY 
 Otherwise     100,000 JPY 


The copyrights of all articles in JASSE are automatically transferred to JSST.
However, the original authors retain the right to copy, translate or modify their own manuscripts. In cases when a manuscript is translated into another language or when any portion of the manuscript is to be submitted to another publication, authors should tell us (JASSE Editorial Office, JSST) the action, and the original manuscript should be clearly cited in the publications.

The following “Copyright Transfer and Article Charge Agreement Form” signed by the authors must be uploaded on JSST Online System together with your manuscript when it is first submitted to JASSE.

Copyright Transfer and Article Charge Agreement Form:

 Download Microsoft Word file
 ・Download PDF file

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Impact Factor by J-Stage

Impact Factor by J-Stage in 2022: 0.3846